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Old 2014-04-10, 20:16   Link #61
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Join Date: Jan 2013
Originally Posted by dniv View Post
That really does sound like a good idea, but I guess it's probably better to do what Birdway said first... as long as people need to explain why they picked said characters.

After more people are on the site, I'm sure the second idea would be great!

Seconded. But without Touma, Hamazura, Mikoto, Accelerator. (and we need to consider whether or not OT railgun applies...)

Lol. Touma having more haters doesn't make him unpopular. He is #2 LN character... there is no way he has that many haters... and Character popularity is decided by who many people think he's the best, not who hates said character... And I think you're reactions to comments might be a bit overdoing it. You're just seeing a really biased sample of people who like to comment about these things. It's not the big picture. You're seeing the people who feel the strongest, but not a representative sample of most people's impressions of Touma/To aru series...

Otherwise, Mikoto is obviously #1, and Accelerator, Touma are the most popular in the OT (Misaki doesn't appear except in the railgun manga... does that count?).

If this is for the LN/manga readers forum then I think Aqua, Hamazura are also definitely up there.

We need to figure out what OT means, whether it includes railgun manga or not. We need to decide whether or not to put the top 4 into another poll, because we've already heard so many people fawning about those 4 anyway, I don't think it'd really be constructive to hear more about them, in a poll that would detract from everyone else...
maybe, but i don't rely on popularity polls as much as i used too. heck, i even seen characters like shinji ikari make it to quite a few top ten polls but at the end he is probably acknowledged to be among the top of hated characters.

and i see hundreds of comments in plenty of forums despising kamijou quite allot in japan. still you may be right but i am just going by on speculations even though they aren't usually the best in judgement for me. even if touma is that hated i wouldn't worry so much since i just go with my opinion and stick with it. better to just ignore the negative side of things and choose to stay positive.
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