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Old 2014-04-08, 17:42   Link #16
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
Yes, but what if we want to discuss something that isn't tied to any specific volume and don't want to worry about spoilers?

For example, some subjects have come up in the anime thread just can't be talked about there (is Tatsuya a Stu? Is it a harem?).
We could create threads about these topics, but we would have to come up with a way of phrasing the opening post that is sufficiently neutral and a good grounds for discussion. If someone wants to offer a possible opening post to start the conversation, I'm okay with creating threads for each of these. If we want to make rules in these threads that specific detailed plot points have to be behind tags, that'd be possible too.

And in theory it'd be possible to discuss these topics in the anime thread too, but the problem is that novel readers keep wanting to jump in, and the imbalance in information is way too high. Novel readers have a massive advantage because they literally have volumes more content to draw from. Anime-only viewers are literally speaking in ignorance in comparison. So at this stage, the conversation that source readers can have about these topics, and the conversation (speculation) anime-only viewers can have about these topics, should be kept separate due to this huge disparity in reference material.
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