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Old 2014-04-06, 07:38   Link #15
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Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
What's confusing? Everything. Let's take the top example. What's the difference between acceleration and movement? Or between acceleration and deceleration? Or heck, what's the difference between this example and the one after that?
OK hold up, I'm still getting confused on what you'e asking. Are you saying you've never learned or understood the difference between moving something from one place to another, or increasing and decreasing a moving object's speed, even with the above pictures? You really need to specify what part of what I specifically quoted was confusing.

Or are you asking why the author chose a classification system that separates movement and acceleration magics when the actions go hand in hand?

If that's what the confusion is, the simplest guess I can come up with relates to the compatibility between the psion magic sequences themselves, since for specialized CADs only magics for one group can be loaded. Which is all just made up anyway, so the author just chose a simple set of groups that fit well with his idea for magic in his plot.

The Mahouka modern magic classification system is stated as just a grouping of magic sequences mainly after observing what the magic does. They could have been classified in several other ways and it is not a new set of rules for how movement and acceleration and etc work. The actions produced by each magic group are all closely interlinked, and any of the systematic magics can be easily combined with one another.

Originally Posted by Anh_Minh View Post
And what, are you saying that movement is just acceleration with the force maxed out? It seems strange to make a whole other system just for that.
Its seems your confusing what I pointed out. We are not talking about normal movement, but movement magic. You mentioned
But you can't move something without imparting speed to it.
...and I tried to answer the literal misunderstanding. There was no mention in the novel that speed was ignored. The novel indicates if only movement magic is used to move an object, then the object is sent to the designated location at a fixed speed with the maximum acceleration it can sustain.
Movement magic is stated as a type of magic that changes an object's speed and path.
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