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Old 2014-04-05, 14:57   Link #13
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2013
Location: TN, USA
@Relentless flame

I understand why the separate threads exist, which is why I'm not bashing them. I'm just saying that there currently is no place for those of us in the know to discuss new stuff. The thread you speak of is a poll thread that specifically says

"Spoilers or hints about future events must not be posted in this thread."

Hence why I'm asking for a Spoiler thread, or another general purpose thread. Also what's the point of a speculation thread once new information is officially released? I personally think you may have created too many very specific threads that are too narrow in their function. If there's a spoiler for a certain event, then there will be speculation based on that new information. but if its all just random speculation by a bunch of people then there's not much point to reading it.
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