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Old 2014-04-02, 19:14   Link #1
AnimeSuki's Mascot
Join Date: Apr 2006
Mahouka LN - Spoiler-restricted Q&A (for people who want short, simple answers only)

This thread is for those of you with simple questions about the Mahouka light novels where you just want simple answers, and not unneeded spoilers. There are many questions that don't need a whole thread to discuss them. A simple practical answer straight from the source without any speculation can solve these conundrums. If someone has such a question about Mahouka which can be solved by answering with facts from an official source, then please ask that question here.

Please don't post in this thread unless you are asking a question or answering one. Please remember that it only takes 1 person to answer a question. And don't speculate! You can only reply with cold, hard, merciliessly unforgivable facts. If you have to speculate, then please just tell the querrant that no answer is known, but here are some facts that might help him make up his own mind.

We have a bunch of other Q&A/Discussion Threads for other topics, including: Magic & Technology, World and Setting, Character Powers, Families, and Other. In these other threads spoiler can be discussed openly. So please only use this thread for simple Q&A when you don't want unneeded spoilers or details. If the question goes beyond the scope of a simple question/answer, and you want more advanced spoilers, you are encouraged to check out the other threads.

For the purpose of this thread, we discourage anything that reveals important or significant details about plot or characters, and such information should not be posted unless it is required to answer a direct question. In such cases, please use spoiler tags, as explained below.

Untagged spoilers are risking a ban. There are two ways to create clearly marked spoiler tags, as shown below:

The easy way: By simply clicking on this icon which can be found in the Quick Reply or Reply to Thread template.
The macho way: By using those uber vB codes as shown in the following...

Spoiler Tag Example
[spoiler=title, i.e. your reason for the spoiler tag]Don't forget to use a title for the spoiler![/spoiler]
Spoiler for title:
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