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Old 2014-03-20, 15:08   Link #89
Senior Member
Join Date: Aug 2013
Huh. I wasn't expecting Tomino to come back to Gundam, since he seemed adamant about G-Reko being its own thing separate from Gundam. Maybe a combination of it being the 35th anniversary of Gundam, a desire to both refresh the franchise and potentially get a bigger audience for the story he wanted to tell, were what motivated him to turn G-Reko into Reconguista in G?

Just going off the trailer alone, it certainly looks like it'll be different form the current fare of Gundam. Plot wise, it'll be interesting to see where Tomino takes the story of the "Reguild Century" since it doesn't seem like Reconguista will be a traditional war story. I can see it either being standalone like Victory, or potentially bridging UC to Turn A. All in all though, while I love and enjoy Gundam for what it traditionally is, I can appreciate the fresh take that Reonguista seems to be .

Honestly, even as someone who loves Eureka 7 and enjoyed AO until its ending, the first thing I thought of when I saw the animation was Turn A. I mean, I see the overlap in character designers but the designs, particularly the hair, give off a real Turn A vibe for me. I guess it helps that I saw Turn A long after watching both Eureka 7 and AO .

I think the Gundam looks... interesting. Actually, I get the feeling that interesting is going to potentially be an apt description for a lot of stuff in Reconguista .

Though what the heck happened to Haro ?

Though on the topic of pacifism, I don't think, as a concept or ideal, that it's inherently wrong. I don't think that just because a person wishes for peace, or doesn't want to kill anyone, that it makes them weak or bad characters, naive as they may be. I also don't think Age handled its pacifist angle very well, so I can understand why people would be tired of it, not that I think it'll be an issue for Reconguista .

Last edited by Frontier; 2014-03-21 at 23:08.
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