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Old 2014-03-20, 12:37   Link #70
Patriot's Blade
its Ghost Madoka time!!!
Join Date: May 2009
Location: brunei darusalam
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well Gundam is a war drama, the pacifism could depend on the individual unless you are basically a superman Ghandi like a certain SEED messiah,

trying to create a peaceful world also has a huge price to pay that may also be in the form of countless lives, innocent or guilty & as well drawbacks & bad side effects even during peaceful times, because reality is sometimes a double edged sword that will stab you back HARD, well the peace itself may not last long enough too as long there are problems in reality that we have to deal with by soaking our hands in blood, hate will always exist
"legends said that Alto Saotome made a correct decision, he left both Ranka Lee & Sheryl Nome to marry the skies & proceed to make love with her, it was a long sight to behold according to the witnesses, the sky is now pregnant"
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