Thread: Future Warfare
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Old 2014-01-25, 23:08   Link #29
Onani Master
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Originally Posted by AnimeFan188 View Post
With This New Rifle, Anyone Can Hit a Moving Target at 500 Yards:

"This week at the 2014 Consumer Electronics Show, firearms-manufacturer
TrackingPoint announced an AR-15 version of its computer-controlled precision rifles.
The company claims that the new weapon can hit moving targets “out to five
football fields away.” And anyone can use it.

Described by the company as a “precision-guided firearm,” the 500-Series rifle could
revolutionize how armies all over the world prepare for war. The technology
promises a world where expert riflemen can be trained with very little effort
—blurring the distinction between infantry and sharpshooters."

Advanced digital optics will be the norm on individual weapons in the future.

Another advance or looking back to the past for inspiration will be caseless munitions to save weight such as the current LSAT program for the US Army.

However I don't think you'll see any major advances in firearms, the current types are pretty much the pinnacle of design capable to us.

Body armour will continue to evolve becoming even lighter, more durable and flexible.

My nerdy dream would be to see the armour and shields from Mass Effect eventually become a reality.

"It doesn't mean much, we never had a chance."
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