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Old 2006-03-12, 18:33   Link #257
Join Date: Dec 2004
Location: Canada
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Incoan
I have some questions regarding episode 10.
1) Ilya and Shirou mentioned some kind of magic mark , which is given to the successor by the parents (and I 'm sure I've also heard this "magic mark" in earlier episodes ) . So , how does it look like and what exactly does it do ?
2) I heard there was MUCH more to Rin and Shinji conversation in the game. Can someone tell me in a few words what did they talk about besides what was shown in anime?
1. Majutsu Kokuin 魔術刻印. I'd just call them Magic Seals. They are usually tattoo-like markings that are "carved" onto the successor of a family of magicians. Within them contains the lifeworks of every previous magicians within the family. The longer the family history, the more information is contained within them. Besides serving as the "proof" of a legitimate successor, the information contained within them often include various one-of-a-kind spells unique to the family. The succesors of the family, rather than learning them one by one from scratch, simply has to supply the seal with magic power (odo, not necessarily mana) through their magic circuits, combined with a set keyword, and the spell could be activated.

Every family's seals are different, so there are no set designs on what they look like. The green markings shown on Rin's left forearm during the school chase are her magic seals.

2. There was? I don't really remember, except the part where she punched him in the face.
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