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Old 2014-01-06, 14:01   Link #4
Blooming on the mountain
Join Date: May 2010
Location: Deep in their roots, all flowers keep the light....
MX player is great esp because it has a feature for loading the fonts of whatever subtitle you tell it to. But be aware that for older, slower hardware there can be lag, esp if the file is 10 bit. Most android devices willbe able to play 8 bit mkv files, and hardsubbed formats (mp4, avi, etc) assuming the file size is not gigantic and/or there is a lot going on on the video proper. 480p or 576p are pretty much always going to work in this area. 720p (10 bit or 8 bit) is where things can begin to have problems for older devices.

But most contemporary hardware cando it fine. If it were me and my budget allowed it I would go for quad cpus and 2gb of ram for a tablet if possible.

I kinda question why anyone would want to watch a 1080 10 bit video on a tablet, but that is just because I prefer to watch 1080p on a large monitor. 720p should be fine, I would guess, for a tablet. Just personal opinions here though....
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