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Old 2014-01-01, 23:49   Link #1514
Homo Ludens
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Canada
Age: 34
If you guys had actually read the interview translations, Urobuchi only had the idea for a different, less open ending, not a fully written script or anything like that. It was quite early in production that he got told to write an ending that left room for a continuation, and while it was Shinbo who came up with the idea of making Homura and Madoka enemies, that was the script Urobuchi ended up writing.

Please stop trying to invalidate the ending like this. Madoka was planned and produced by Magica Quartet, not Urobuchi alone; it was, from the beginning, a collaborative effort.

If you don't like the ending, that's fine, but please stop pretending as though Rebellion was ever going to be anything other than what it is.
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