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Old 2006-02-28, 19:19   Link #42
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Srin Tuar
Hrm, 2-3 thousand yen seems to be a very low number. basically $15-$25 per episode??

I mean, that doesnt even seem to cover a day's pocket expenses.

There must be more to the story than that. Or else being a seiyuu is strictly a hobby
that gets done in one's spare time, because at those rates the pay doesnt even
cover transportation/lunch/etc.
Unfortunately, that is the real life. That is why most seiyuus need to do many auditions to get more anime series, dub voice overs for movies, voices for commercials, to make a living. If that doesn't work, they need to find a job for secondary income (working at a restaurant, a convenience store, etc. etc.).

It's the real world. If you don't have nothing to shine and impress the sponsors, sound directors, and the creators of anime, TV commercials or movies, you end up working for the dark side - voicing ero-anime and ero-games (though many seiyuus do ero-games under a pseudonym as it pays a bit better), getting quick cash by appearing in a porno (I need not say many here probably knows Miyamura Yuko as an example of this) etc. etc.

Just like any other entertainment industry anywhere, it ain't all glitz and glory.
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