Thread: Licensed Log Horizon (novel)
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Old 2013-10-11, 22:01   Link #56
( ಠ_ಠ)
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Somewhere, between the sacred silence and sleep
There are some, but I don't think they will apply to the anime since it's mostly problems with the narrative the author use.

For example, wordy descriptions. The author is extremely wordy at some of the most odd moments.
Let's say person A says a simple question to person B. The narrative abruptly stops to give massive infodump on background of the the character, then blah blah blahs off in tangent from there, and a whole page or two later finally gets back to the scene with person B replying. Reader: eh, what the hell was the question again?

There's also the rampant usage of cliffhanger scene changes.
A segment climax with surprising declaration -> switch to event somewhere else, which climax to a situation -> abruptly switch back to the previous segment to show the reaction, etc.
It's a common writing style, and not inherently bad. But when you do it several times in a row? It becomes hair tearingly annoying.

I'm pretty sure these will be alleviated in the anime and manga though.
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