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Old 2013-09-11, 20:39   Link #34
Senior Member
Join Date: Nov 2009
Location: Poland
Age: 38
^ I think that it was mentioned in the novels that the fragments separated again, and can be used to create another Excalibur based upon the core that was used as a base.

The way it was stated in the novel, don't suggest that the core's of Excalibur have been fused.

“Irina returned to headquarters along with the corpse of Balba and the 5 Excaliburs including mine. The “fragments” that act as the cores were retrieved in that state. So the mission of retrieving it was accomplished. If they have the cores, they can use alchemy to make the holy-swords again.”
So, I see no problem in Irina having Excalibur Mimic again, provided that it's destroyed during the current incident.
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