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Old 2013-09-03, 08:20   Link #28
Ashigara's master
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Age: 32
Cool Touma x Misaki speculation

Allow me to post these quotes from zibi made a few days ago to discuss this further, shall we?

Originally Posted by zibi88 View Post
I guess the only thing I liked in this chapter was the few pages with misaki and touma.... I just love Misakis smile there.... and it seriously makes me want to know how and when they met...what was their relationship before toumas memory loss

and I wonder if misaki met touma in person... or she was observing him via other peoples eyes the one she taken control over so touma never personaly met her ^^ so misaki might not be aware that he lost his memory.... or maybe they met as kids kinda in elementary or middle school.... but something happened... maybe some other girls were getting to close to him she got jelous over him and did something to those girls memories... touma learned about it and got angry at her... (like she mentioned here in c62 if he showed up like that to some other girl she would be disturbed...but if its her its really ok as he is her prince)

but still I wonder if she would be able to fix toumas memory somehow... like we see that her powers might work on him (till he doesnt touch his head with right hand) so she might be the key to fix him... but she waits till he asks her personaly

for me the misaki and touma past is one of the most interesting to me and cant wait to learn about it ^^ (I wonder if misaki met his parents ;P like misaka and her parents met toumas)
Originally Posted by zibi88 View Post
I know she met him in person few chapters back (chapter titled encounter) but it was after his memory loss.... but when was it the first time they met is the question

about memory we dont know if it cant be fixed... she is the strongest telepath in the whole city she might be able to do something with it... or at least she could show him "her" memory of the encounter they had... kinda from her perspective

but maybe she doesnt want to fix it becouse she knows "that touma" was mad at her and mostly broke all contacts with her.... so now its like a fresh start in which she might not do the same mistake and lose him
Originally Posted by zibi88 View Post
If his memory cells were destoryed then he should be a vegetable memories are located all over the brain not just in 1spot... since we get memories from different senses... be it smell of food or optical memory... if we hear sound off wind we remember it... memories might be based on our emotions too we remember when we were happy or sad... and those brain parts are located all over the thing in many locations.... the feather of light hit a certain area so maybe it just destroyed some "neoron paths inside the brain" that stops the memories from other brain parts to connect totaly

because if he had lost "all" memories... he wouldnt know how to walk, move, breath, speak or read..... generally its like destroyed cells are replaced by new ones... so maybe misaki would just need to start the brain to function properly by connecting few memories to start the chain effect and one memory would bring another one after some outside impulse

like if he would look on sea he might start to remember some memories containing the "sea" so memories of him being close to similar environment....ect.

but maybe aleister doesnt want touma to remember because its safe for him...better not to know what you are and what power you have... the same goes for misaki.... if he had forgotten his past then he had forgotten the time she crossed the line and he broke contact with her (she knows she hurt him and is aware of it...but it doesnt stop her from loving him.... and wont allow for other girls to get too close to him.... mostly the threat to misaka about entering her territory was about Touma... like dont get too close to him or I will act)

misaki might just want to start from the beginning... as she introduced herself to him in chapter encounter... and showed how similar they are :P (biribiri... piripiri) or how she can get so close to him with ease [crossed arms even though they first met... and misaki is not the type to allow herself to be touched by any guy [or new met people] so easily]

I guess the chairman (the girl) is kinda glad that he lost his he doesnt remember the bad things about her from past and can start from beginning without him hating her (from the beginning of new testament where she thought touma died... and she saw no point of getting up and was just lying around for few days... like if he is not there what is the point anyway)

so maybe the "cant" fix it (aleister the biggest mage of all time that created aiwass cant bring his memories back) is mainly the "it would be better not to fix it".... like cant aleister kinda go back in time copy toumas memories before the incident...go bck to present and put them inside his head :P

anyway its gona be intersting to see how touma will deal with misaka...and I wonder if touma wont make gensei notice him and grow curiosity on his power....

but still cant wait for a moment where touma wakes up inside misakis lap XD (misaka already did that)
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