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Old 2013-07-20, 14:37   Link #489
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Join Date: Mar 2010
Age: 39
Originally Posted by Sansker View Post
I’m just saying, when you try too hard to explain things and then don’t follow up with that to the last consequence then why bother with the explanations in the first case? I am saying is inconsistence with the story that tries to make a good over some facts. When you look deep enough there is no explanation. Like Rising Dragon says is for the sake of convenience.
Because they are two different things. Explaining why Saber can talk Japanese to Shirou is a plot issue, explaining why Saber speaks Japanese to another ancient Briton is a presentational issue.

Your argument is essentially the same as arguing that all fanfics should have dialogue in Japanese since that's what the original characters would speak, and that dubs of films, TV shows etc. shouldn't be allowed (at least when the location is known). Saber is speaking Brythonic or Latin in that scene, it's just dubbed into Japanese for the benefit of the viewers.
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