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Old 2013-07-18, 14:26   Link #484
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Join Date: Sep 2008
Age: 38
Originally Posted by Rising Dragon View Post
Seriously, it's for the sake of convenience; the primary audience and demographic for Fate/stay night ARE THE JAPANESE. They're not going to hire someone British just for a few inconsequential scenes that the Japanese wouldn't be able to understand, seeing how it wouldn't be in, y'know, JAPANESE.
To back this up, even Detective Conan, which routinely has FBI and CIA cast members (and had a few episodes based in New York and London), still uses Japanese voice actors for those roles who pronounce/annunciate the language so poorly that the word "woman" ends up sounding like the Japanese word for "horse". The best English speaker is actually the guy from Osaka who speaks with a dialect in Japanese (fans actually thought he was switched with an American sound-alike when he first spoke in English).
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