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Old 2013-07-10, 02:55   Link #1
Junior Member
Join Date: Jul 2013
Problem with fragmentation in Linux

So I'm running arch and I'm trying to get a proper set up, but there's so much fragmentation that I'm not sure what to even use anymore.

There's mplayer, mplayer2, and mpv which are all forked off of eachother and then there's the frontend that everyone uses smplayer. But then there's also smplayer2 which I assume is supposed to support mplayer2, but I don't know what direction mpv is going since it could be breaking all compatibility with mplayer/mplayer2 in the long run and thus making it unable to run under smplayer/smplayer2. So I compiled smplayer with mplayer2 and ordered chapters aren't working correctly. From what I understand mplayer doesn't support ordered chapters and it's old and living in the past. mplayer2 was supposed to fix that problem but apparently some group of people thought that they were moving too slow or not doing it right so they forked it again..

anyways TLDR: Is there a proper combination of frontend and backend for mplayer/2/mpv/etc that works properly with all the files I have? VLC works just fine, but I want graphics accelerated playback and plus VLC has problems of it's own, and it's considered "not correct" in the community.
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