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Old 2013-07-09, 18:11   Link #64
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Originally Posted by Chaos2Frozen View Post
He can, and it's been done before.
Yeah that was what I was getting at. Its not that he couldn't but that he didn't.

Originally Posted by Ilidsor View Post
Well he can "turn on" other parts sure, we've seen him do that. But we've never seen him able to turn off his basic threat reflection, so I assume he can't. Maybe he can and like Chaos said it just wouldn't matter against Amata, but it seems simpler to just assume he can't.

Back to the topic on hand, I wonder if Accel could fight off telepathy? I'm inclined to think he can since Mikoto can so it's obviously something that can be 'blocked' but does anybody know for sure?
Spoiler for Index 2:

I'd say science side telepathy could be reflected. We saw Misaki's didn't work on Mikoto which to my implies that it has to pass through her EM (or I guess maybe AIM) field and passing through something means a vector.

Originally Posted by leukrota View Post
Let me put one hypothetical situation.

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I'm not going to tag this because my response is in railgun S1. You are slightly off about Mikoto (and thus potentially the sisters) being immune to lightning. We saw she is immune to getting shocked (though maybe a shock that surpassed her output could work?). She is unlikely to be immune to lightning due to the heat component. We saw how serious that can be when it basically burned up the AIM Burst.

Also assuming bending electricity was possible, if it got reflected as it curved around him, it still wouldn't hit him. You are basically talking about the electricity going tangent to his reflection, and if you do a 180 on that, it still misses.

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