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Old 2013-07-08, 21:08   Link #45
Cross Game - I need more
Join Date: Apr 2009
Location: I've moved around the American West. I've lived in Oregon, Washington, Utah, and Oklahoma
Age: 44
Originally Posted by Ilidsor View Post
Spoiler for Index 2:

It'd never written anywhere because Kamachi expects you to understand it without needing to be told. Please don't pull the bad-writing card again, explaining every little easy-to-figure-out thing would be the bad writing
In other words it's your opinion. Considering that Kamachi is not subtle at all in any of his other descriptions of the various character abilities or limitations I don't see why I should accept your opinion that he is being subtle here.

As for bad writing, I will repeat: Kamachi sucks as a writer. I have read plenty of novels translated from Japanese into English. I am usually rather forgiving, because I can tell that things get lost in translation. That is not the case here. Kamachi sucks as a writer, and I don't really care if you fanboys say otherwise.

He lectures the reader, which is annoying as all get out. He repeatedly likes to deceive the reader into thinking a character is villain before revealing it was a misunderstanding - which would be okay, except that he flat out tells you that the character is a villain before telling you later that it wasn't true after all. (Plus after the third or fourth time happening it becomes rather predictable and boring). It's one of the reasons why his insistence on telling instead of showing is so terrible. If you show a character doing something and thus deceive the reader it's because the reader is making the same misjudgement as the protagonist. If you use an omniscient view to tell the reader one thing, and then later say it was untrue - that's just bad writing. His plots are confusing (with a few exceptions, such as the Sister's Arc). He rarely shows character development through actions, instead just dumping on you the "inner thoughts" of the characters as they do some navel gazing.

It's not exactly a secret that his writing is terrible. The western author he reminds me most of is George Lucas. Great imagination and creativity, but he really needs co-authors to polish his work into something smoother and better refined. The Railgun manga is an example of this occurring.

Cross Game - A Story of Love, Life, Death - and Baseball. What more could you want?
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