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Old 2013-07-06, 20:47   Link #5
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Join Date: Mar 2011
Originally Posted by Ilidsor View Post
It's not that he's unbeatable it's just that Misaka doesn't have either the extremely intimate knowledge of his powers, or the kind of ability that he couldn't block, that would be required for her to be able to defeat him

Some people in the series can beat him, in fact there are some people in the series who would crush him like a grape. But Misaka isn't one of them.
Indeed. Mikoto's power would actually be great against Accelerator if (note: humongous if) she had the proper knowledge and preparation (Kihara level knowledge).

In fact, I can even see the Sisters zapping him with their measly power after correctly evaluating and testing how his reflection worked, perhaps around Sister no. 19990...

EDIT: Ok, correction, it might need to happen much earlier than 19990 if the goal is level 6...
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