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Old 2006-02-09, 12:09   Link #9
Gomen asobase desuwa!
Join Date: Nov 2003
Age: 43
Originally Posted by carlocci
That was interesting

I was wondering: if being an animator is a shitty job, animes are considered
childish and anime-otakus (don't know if it's the right term) are discriminated, why
do we have so many high quality adult productions?
Because the anime-otakus are the suckers who are willing to spend wads of cash on merchandise.

Like I said, it's a market that is driven towards pushing moe~ down otakus throats, who in turn spend tons of money and generate over 80 billion yen into our economy. But they aren't going to buy stuff that are made shoddily. Take it this way; do you want to buy a new Ford or GM that'll break down in 60,000 miles, or do you want to pay just a little extra and buy a new Toyota that'll last for over 120,000+ miles? Most people say the latter.

With a lot of cartoons airing at night (around 2-3 afaik), I think these animes are meant for younger adults. So is every Japanese actually watching animes keeping his friends, his co-workers and his family from it or the cost of an episode is so little, that animes are used on tv as a filler for the night hours?
They are meant for 20-30 some hardcore otakus who have no life. Besides, many of these anime are based on ero-games and light novels, so the main people who watch them are:

A. People who have played the game or read the light novel before or,
B. People who are watching it from the hype of fellow otaku associates

As I have said before, anime are shown on this time because it's the cheapest time slot.

Last edited by kj1980; 2006-02-09 at 12:20.
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