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Old 2013-06-15, 19:42   Link #39
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
Join Date: May 2013
Location: California
I am going to double-post here because my last post is already way too long and was from a long time ago (relatively)... I apologize in advance for this... but this couldn't go in the Railgun S episode 10 evaluation and anyone interested in this can read it here:
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Furthermore: about whether profit was a good interpretation by J.C. staff about the rank of level 5's. We should wait for funimation's subtitles on Sunday to get a second opinion on that. If they say the same thing, then I'll agree that it's fine... but I'm not actually sure until I see their subtitles. In terms of profit, hiring people to work as mercenaries because of their strength would apply here right? Having Accelerator, who could probably take on a whole army by himself from what we have seen so far, is worth a lot of money. (if you think about it, the sisters also aren't profit from Mikoto). Mugino said that Mikoto was #3 without even thinking about the Sisters. (The sisters even describe themselves as being cheap units as we saw in episode 6). The profits made from Mikoto most likely have to do with studying the effects of electricity in some way...

The profits of Mugino or of any other level are studying the effects of her ability on other things. If you think about it, the powers of the level 5's involve applying particular scientific vectors to physical phenomena and causing "crazy results." This is of course why Accelerator seems to be #1 because he can control any vector. The idea is surely that if AC can create tools that can reproduce the effects of these powers, they would make a genuine profit. (how else would they actually make a profit?)... This is just being reasonable... If you think about it, being more powerful as an esper sometimes means that it might take more energy to use your attack. If the trade-off works for an esper, but not for AC, they won't make that Esper level 5... (Rikou who gets tired easily from using her power even while using Body Crystal)

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I was also curious for those people who thought anything about this... are the random quirks that every character has in AC just an animesque/LN thing or is it really corruption caused by AC that AIM fields are causing in people's psyches? Touma seems to be the only person who is resistant to many of the weird actions/thoughts by people in AC, and his really really weird way of acting like a normal person in comparison to other people in AC might be just because of IB. His IB makes him resistant to what AC does to other people... that's kind of how I feel... I feel like magic and esper powers corrupt the people who use them, but in the case of IB, I feel like Touma isn't affected by the corruption that magic and esper powers would normally bring. He seems immune... This is just a thought and I was curious to see what people thought...

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Anyway, the civil rehabilitation act is the reason Amai Ao attacks Accelerator and tries to capture LO if no one has figure this out yet. This isn't relevant in Railgun S so I'm just bringing it to people's attention in case they were interested in that connection. The civil rehabilitation act is what makes S-processor not have to pay their supervisors such as him. I'm not sure whether or not this also applies to Kites Knockwright and might explain why he is helping Misaki: any thoughts?

Last edited by dniv; 2013-06-16 at 21:06.
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