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Old 2013-06-09, 09:08   Link #38
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
Join Date: May 2013
Location: California
Briefly: she might have helped stop the project. We hear there were multiple heroes out there in the world. She might have had a hand in addition to Accel-san.

Originally Posted by kagato3 View Post
It also left her hospitalized for months and if I remember correctly under the care of the frog faced doc. and you know its bad if it takes months for him to heal someone.
You know: it seems like he's the only doctor worth going to in all of academy city...

Lucky district #7: Touma (lol) no wonder that's where he lives.

Everyone's starting to go to him... I wonder whether or not he will tell Touma or the others the truth eventually and break the hippocratic code... He's so involved in the dark side of Academy City...

But, he's probably putting a certain one of his patients in danger if he reveals his whereabouts/plans... so he can't do it because of his darned hippocratic code...

Also, he probably wouldn't be allowed to treat anyone anymore or have influence if he spilled any information...

Spoiler for extensive list of people that Heaven's Canceller knows:

Darn it: if only he talked... Things would then get interesting.

I mean when Accelerator accused Heaven Canceller of being only a doctor and not knowing anything about the darkness of Academy City.

He even told Accelerator:

Spoiler for great response that confirms what generally what he's seen (no specifics):

He also said this and this was kind of creepy:
Spoiler for how good he is at curing people:

Heaven Canceller/ the frog faced doctor: he might have been at the researchers' meeting with Gensei or might be keeping tabs on him (Misaka 10032 is one of his former patients after all). That means he has incurred Heaven Canceller's wrath as soon as he finds out. I was kind of wondering why Mikoto went to his hospital, but didn't end up looking for him. I think he might have gotten wind of what was happening from this. (Strong possiblity).

I believe he's going to come in near the end of this arc and beat the darkness of AC up and Gensei. That would be really nice. Say Dolly is still alive or something, I'm sure Heaven Canceller can cure her...

I think he'll be involved because at the end of Daihasesai (Index) he called Touma to pass on a message that "someone" will have the punishment game with him when he gets back. So Mikoto probably sees the doctor at some point during this arc, but we haven't seen that happen yet.

Maybe he restores Saten, Kuroko, Uiharu's memories? I mean he knows both Shirai and Mikoto and would be able to testify about it when it was over...

I also just realized:

Even if Saten finds out Touma is Kamijou Touma and sees his negation powers, she might not connect it ever to Mikoto because of the fact that she doesn't remember Mikoto... awww....
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