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Old 2013-06-05, 22:49   Link #17
I’m sorry, Kamijou-san!!
Join Date: May 2013
Location: California
Originally Posted by whitecloud View Post
by the way, what gensei want to do anyway with exterior? he's researching SYSTEM so it is possible he want to become like aiwass?
I don't really think so. But it appears as if he himself can use Exterior the way Shokuhou phrases it. I really am not entirely sure about his current goal, but I believe that he might want to use this power to possibly help level up Rikou or maybe give himself esper powers? He wouldn't be the first Kihara to steal a level 5's powers for his/her own.

Anyway, now it's obvious that the Dolly's were the precursors to the sisters because I remember now that the researcher told Accelerator that the Misaka clones can be recreated at a push of a button. And from the quote I took from the light novel above:

There was the supposed Clone Dolly workshop that stored the DNA of great men and saints from around the world and had analyzed their genetics to the point that they could create as many geniuses as needed at the push of a button.

I'm sure the techniques from the Clone Dolly workshop were used to do the Sisters project. Since the sentence above is just a rumor: it might be imperfect and just be the precursor of the Sisters project. But Misaki might be partially responsible unintentionally in this case for the Sisters project and therefore feels guilty because she allowed the researchers to get information from Dolly.

Now it makes sense that she's also nice to clones because one of her few friends is/was a clone.

Edit: separate topic:

Also, does anyone else think that having the researchers using Shokuhou to create exterior even while she was weak is another not too subtle reference to the existence of the parameter list. If Mikoto learns about Shokuhou's past eventually, she might realize about it soon enough. Technically, we don't actually know if she never found out about it/ obtained access to it.

Mikoto wouldn't be able to do anything about it even if she found out and wouldn't want to ruin her friends hopes, but it would suck if she learned about this and was unable to even tell her friends... She really should realize this at some point. I mean: she was the one who got her DNA taken before she was a level 5 after-all. How did she herself not eventually realize this? Maybe because it was more traumatic for her.

However, I really hope she does find out eventually. This would strengthen the cohesion between the three different "factions" later on. I really wonder what's going to happen if the existence of the parameter list ever came to light.

The bad thing about her finding out would be feeling very very guilty anytime anyone mentioned that they should work as hard as her to become a level 5... and she would feel even worse about using that line. This would destroy her moral high-ground and actually be very interesting especially since she's the most sympathetic of the level 5's (probably) to humans (not trees).

Last edited by dniv; 2013-06-06 at 15:56.
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