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Old 2013-05-31, 10:35   Link #14
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Age: 35
Originally Posted by Ilidsor View Post
4-5 is more of a guess though, it's like saying "I can use it a few more times". It makes more sense for it to be an estimate about how much he can use in total, than for him to say he can use it 4-5 times in a row when twice over the course of one arc (Angel Fall) was enough for him to collapse with a pool of blood.
That's just silly.

If he had a limit on the total number, the narrative would make that very clear, this is Kamachi after all- he would repeating mention it and keep track of it.

Also, just because he collapse does not mean he couldn't get up and continue; I did not mean the number of times he can use it in a row, but within a period of time before he completely is unable to carry on.

Plus, so long as his body gets healed back up he can use magic again so any limit doesn't make sense.
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