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Old 2013-05-31, 08:49   Link #9
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Canada
Originally Posted by dniv View Post
He said that 6 times is his limit the first time I think, maximum. So he's probably stuck right now unless he figures something else out to fix his situation. He's useless as a spy to both sides now... so... he's just going to be protected by Touma from now on, I guess... he can use guns though.
He said that his limit was like 4 or 5 more times back in volume 4 but that's not the point. The point is that I know Tsuchimikado isn't going to die no matter how many times he uses magic because Kamachi doesn't want to kill him.

I like him as a character too, but I really didn't think he had to die. He could just suffer more than he has had to suffer anyway. I don't actually see why his power wouldn't be able to cure him more than 6 times, it isn't like him using magic should affect him more each and every time in succession should it? I feel like his power is just unreliable which is why his being healed is risky. If he could increase his esper level of power (maybe he already has) he could use it more times. It is highly possible he has increased in level, has he had a system scan at all, recently? I don't think he did, actually. If he can increase his powers as an esper, he can use magic again I guess.
Esper powers aren't that easy to increase. Especially for level 0s who don't get any resources spent on them. I mean even if he had a bunch of resources being spent on developing his powers (which is really unlikely as it would probably have been mentioned at some point) the entire story has only been over the course of a few months.
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