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Old 2013-04-05, 17:28   Link #4
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Dr. Casey View Post
Let's see...

Haiyore Nyaruko-san W - Spring 2013

Yeah, I went through all 15 pages and this is the only one I know. It's a very nice feature, though.
Thanks. I saw this one too, but it already has the "CR" prefix, and right now I can only choose one. Since it'll be moved soon, I figured I'd leave it that way for now.

Originally Posted by totoum View Post
How does this work for movies though? Aura will be released in theatres on April 13th so that would make it spring 2013, however most people won't be able to watch it until the blu rays come out, so should it be that date that's indicated? (if so then there's no announcement yet)
That's a good question... Right now, unless I'm mistaken, movies are in the "Upcoming Series" section until they air in theatres, and then they get moved to "Current"... even though it's true that most people won't see them until they're released on disc. So for now I guess the date should be the theatre date.

Maybe we need a better way to handle movies in general. Not sure, but open to suggestions...
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