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Old 2006-01-28, 20:47   Link #83
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by ordnance11
It's definintely an interesting episode for plot development:

1. Ilya struck me as a powerful magus (is there a female form for the word?) and a spoiled brat. She came to kill them, and she wanted it done her way. Kinda like torturing and then burning a kitten. Giving her Servant's name away was ndication of how sure she was of how the script was going to go, The main reason she stopped the attack was that Shiro spoiled her fun by going against the script. Masters do not save their servants. t's just not done.

Kevin Sorbo, this Hercules isn't. Fast, strong and invulnerable to magics spells. and ugly to boot!

2. Are we sure that Rin was the one who carried Shiro back to his house? She didn't look to be strong enough to carry a bleeding and battered body that far, though I could be wrong.

Spoiler for Rin


3. As much as some people decry Shiro's actions, I applaud it! To save someone you care about even at the cost of your life is worth praising. The only thing he needs is power to back up his desire. His retching when he recalled Kotmine's word is also pretty good in my opinion. I think he just realized then that for his desire to come true, great evil must also be present. Can't have one w/o the other.

4. Didn't Saber look cute in the dojo? That little exchange between her and Shiro was pretty good. He gained a powerful, yet honorable servant and she gained a Master who cherishes her and would not abuse her. Those two reminds me of Ifurita and Makoto Mizuhara. Though who gave Saber the clothes?

A couple of questions though? Did Shiro used the power of his marks to heal Saber and give him the strenght and speed to push her out of the way?

As for chapter 5...

I'm pretty sure those were her clothe without the armor on.
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