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Old 2013-02-10, 19:10   Link #161
Join Date: Feb 2013
Location: United States
^ The stuff I have regarding it are as follows.

Spoiler for critical higurashi twist:
1 and 3 have been strongly associated with corruptions of dopamine expression in the limbic system. 2 is associated with malfunctions in serotonin uptake. Evidence for the later is supported by foresnics/medical reports of various mass murders in which the suspect was on SSRI (selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor) drugs.

The limbic system is a key part of the serotonin pathway as well, which means that
Spoiler for critical twist:
. Certain deaths in the 2nd and 5th novels can also be explained by naturalistic explanations. Intense fear
Spoiler for key plot twist:
can be the cause of acute heart failure.
This is further evidence of dopamine involvement.

2. My evidence in regards to the route of transmission comes from a certain person
Spoiler for key plot twist:
in 4 of the 8 novels. This person getting it and suffering makes the following routes of transmission unlikely: vertical, i.e.
Spoiler for key plot twist:
and bloodborne. I would place my wagers on something like
Spoiler for key plot twist:

3. As for the difficulty in the hunting seen in the 8th novel, I think I can explain some of it from a naturalistic perspective. Since it seems that certain triggers are required for people to go insane
Spoiler for key plot twist:
seem to be nessecary to the solution.

4. The points above lead me to my core blue truth.
Spoiler for key plot twist:
Spoiler for key plot twist:

In case you're wondering, I also studied microbiology, but my main focus was on mutualistic symbiotes. Perhaps the issue is that R7 made a minor mistake. Much of his research into the solution is spot on barring that one mistake.

Last edited by magnum12; 2013-02-10 at 19:25. Reason: Touched up on a few things
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