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Old 2006-01-22, 18:02   Link #92
Obey the Darkly Cute ...
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: On the whole, I'd rather be in Kyoto ...
Age: 66
I've had mixed results with .... as far as jpop CDs go... they've been pretty good. but the collectibles ---- they appear to run a "just in time" shop like amazon is known to. That is.. they don't always have the stock ON HAND just because its displayed in their site. I've had three order problems in the last two months.
Two were figures that they didn't actually have and had to refund my money (of course, after 3 weeks its unlikely anyone is going to have it now). They also have had to delay the PPD OST shipment due to "unforeseen shortages".

I tend to avoid US Domestic hobbyship websites now as I got hit with bootleg versions twice from two different "supposedly reputable" dealers. DVDpacific, OTOH, has been nice and prompt.

Alternative sites, I've had good luck with for books, figures, CDs, & DVDs include: (they'll actually hunt down stuff if you give them enough data and they don't list stuff unless someone has actually requested it).
HobbyLinkJapan (nice pre-order section for registered customers).
AnimeMaxis (also pretty good with the pre-order handling).

edit: cdjapan just wrote that they'd shipped my PPD OST .... so their guess of 5-10 day delay wasn't too off.

Last edited by Vexx; 2006-01-24 at 00:00.
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