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Old 2013-02-02, 21:17   Link #85
Hiroi Sekai
*Graphic Designer
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: Vancouver, British Columbia
Age: 32
Originally Posted by MeoTwister5 View Post
Sounds like hyperthyroidism. Did you get thyroid function tests done? Do you have feeling of something enlarging on the front of your throat or say any nodules you can feel when you go through it?
That's what the doctor thought in one ER visit, so they pulled 5 vials of blood from my right arm to test for it, along with other things, and nothing. I've had a couple of drop-in visits where they felt for nodules/lumps on my neck, and nothing there either. It's just the standard stiff neck that goes away with time and/or rest.

[Addendum] I suppose I should mention this as well. Everything started around mid-December when I suddenly felt a case of tachycardia with a tingling sensation in the left arm and rushed over to ER in case it was a stroke. Seems it was not the case, and it wasn't even anxiety. That was the night I felt my first wisdom tooth coming in for the very first time. At this time, a lot of the tooth has broken through the gumline without any pain in the area (a little natural tenderness, sure), but it's still growing in for sure. Thanks to this illness I haven't gone to the dentist opposed to the doctor yet, so perhaps that might be playing into it somehow?

Last edited by Hiroi Sekai; 2013-02-02 at 22:54.
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