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Old 2013-01-14, 09:27   Link #57
Spider Lily Translations
Join Date: Dec 2010
Location: England
Age: 30
I have a similar opinion. The adaptation wasn't good, but I did enjoy seeing it animated. If you've read the VNs, it does make sense. Also, it was nice to have all the music from the VNs in there. I know some people disliked the arrangement of those tracks, but I thought it was quite well done. I mean, they put in the effort, at least. They could have just used original music the whole way through like the Higurashi anime (which did have really good music anyway, but that's besides the point).

Anyway, since most people haven't read the story Higurashi Kaku is based on, I wonder if it will have a more positive reception since people don't really have anything to compare the adaptation to.
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