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Old 2012-11-14, 17:20   Link #3
The Procrastinator
Join Date: Jan 2009
Location: it's too dark to tell...
I know that they just arrived and we haven't seen what they are capable of, so I'll leave most of my doubt and disappointment for later chapters. I know that these characters could be great but I have a feeling that they'll be OP at first, take down a ton of bad guys and then get totally destroyed like Yamamoto did. But, and this is a big but, I'll hold back just a little bit of my cynicism to see if they actually become relevant characters. Though, in all likelihood, they are here just to teach Ichigo how to put his sword back together (training session part 1) before he learns more about his Quincy powers (training session part 2)--or vice versa.

On to the topic at hand, am I the only one that thinks the guy in the middle looks like Wooly Willy? I just got waves of nostalgia when I saw him and at first I couldn't put my finger on it. I figured it out this morning. As of now, I can't say which one will end up being my favorite. They all have pretty lack luster appearances, besides the Soi Fon lookalike. I don't want goofballs that turn out to be genuine powerful (only to get obliterated later). Zero Squad should look intimidating from start to finish, or at least, something serious. And I know I shouldn't expect much. I mean, I didn't even expect Kubo to have the Zero Squad show up in the manga, EVER.

Sigh, but anyway, I've pegged the chubby chick as a badass healer. The Ikkaku looking guy will be like Ikkaku. The guy in the middle will be the leader with a 'Believe it!" attitude. The Soi Fon lookalike could actually be apart of Soi Fon's family (BUT twenty bucks says Kubo has forgotten Soi Fon's history). Last guy is comic relief, who (of course), turns out to be a badass. I wonder how much of this I get right.
Speical thanks to Haladflire65 for the awesome Signature
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