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Old 2012-10-22, 01:38   Link #9
Excessively jovial fellow
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: ISDB-T
Age: 37
Originally Posted by ImperialX View Post
There are posts like that floating all over the place, so I decided to dispel the rumours. Many other people have also asked me about 10-bit MKV decoding on the iPhone 5. Thus, I have made a video showing the iPhone 5 handling these 10-bit files like butter. It will decode any 10-bit MKV you throw at it without any colour defects, framerate drops, typesetting problems or sluggish rendering. In fact, it's the only smartphone I've tested that does so.
you're almost certainly wrong about this but I can't be bothered to prove it right now

(there is no fucking way that you can decode 720p 10-bit video in realtime on a 1.3ghz dualcore armv7 and still have enough cycles left to render animated subtitles on top of it. it's not even remotely plausible.)
| ffmpegsource
17:43:13 <~deculture> Also, TheFluff, you are so fucking slowpoke.jpg that people think we dropped the DVD's.
17:43:16 <~deculture> nice job, fag!

01:04:41 < Plorkyeran> it was annoying to typeset so it should be annoying to read
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