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Old 2006-01-10, 00:14   Link #72
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Join Date: Dec 2005
Originally Posted by Demongod86
Unless somebody is absolutely AMAZING as a fanfiction writer, they will NOT hold my respect. Especially now that I have the eye of a writing critic and look for things like infodumps, unnatural dialogue, show--don't tells, overuse of adverbs (or use in general, except as dialogue modifiers), etc...

Most fan writing REALLY starts to suck after you become half-decent at original writing. It's like being amazed with higher-end mathematics and how fascinating it all seems, with all of these new theorems, higher-dimensional methods of problem solving, and all of that, until you get there and it just becomes as simple as the old stuff and it's not this "great place in the clouds" anymore.

This is why the wise are cynical. What little kids stare at wide-eyed in their innocence, someone else says "been there, done that...not that great,"

It's like saying "I can't wait to grow up" when you're little, then you grow up, get a car, work like a dog, have no free time, realize just how silly little kids are, and your life sorta takes a downturn.

Same deal with fanfiction. You think it's cool, but from my standpoint, it's skilless amateur dawdling. Want to read respectable writing? Go to the bookstore.
How the hell do you think people become good at writing? It`s from practicing putting their own ideas and thoughts on to paper. Guess what a fan fiction is? Sure it`s not neccessarily all their own ideas, but they take something and they mold it into what they want it to be. Sure a lot of them are no good, but for you not to respect someone who at least is trying to write something, not neccesarily for you, but for themselves, is down right insulting. Though I myself am not fond of fan fictions, I don`t go around saying that people shouldn`t do it because they aren`t professional writers. You don`t like it then don`t read it, nobody wants to hear complaints like the elitest ones you just spit out.
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