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Old 2012-10-17, 15:57   Link #43
The Interstellar Medium
Join Date: May 2008
Location: [SWE]
Age: 34
Interesting thread.

For myself, I will readily say I have no weapons/military training whatsoever and would be completely fucked if it actually happened. That's why I would adopt a Nomadic/Run-the-fuck-away lifestyle. Seeing how BETA can't float, and what I do have is sailing experience, boats should be pretty safe from attacks if you aren't close to shore (unless I'm missing something, feel free to point it out). When I think about it, it would be the very much same tactics for a zombie apocalypse, only you can't move about on land as easily.

It somewhat annoys me though that there is so little info regarding Scandinavia in Alternative (hence my quite inaccurate portrayal with the Wolfskulls). The winters and the landscape itself should act as natural barriers, or at least be capable of slowing down, the BETA, and the countless inland large lakes should provide temporary sanctuaries during the summer months.

Otoh, if I would be forced into military service, I would not survive half a minute in a combat situation, so I would much rather be Logistics/Support... At least I can drive.

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