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Old 2012-08-07, 19:49   Link #29
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ View Post
How about a thread on the Speculation of the Real Life side of SAO?

The thread could speculate on what the government is doing to free the players (getting really tire of someone asking this question every ep), legal ramification of PK in SAO and after effects (physical and mental) of being in the game for a long time on the players.
If we created such a thread, I suppose that it makes sense only for anime-only viewers, since one presumes that novel readers already know (whatever there is to know) about the truth. And given that's the case, novel readers should be expressly forbidden for saying anything that could reveal any novel information in that thread. Does this make sense given your concept?

Edit: After reading the latest Episode 5 discussion, I think I can see the balancing act that could be pulled here. I think I can come up with the thread concept.

Originally Posted by Utsuro no Hako View Post
I'd like to see a thread on the technical and scientific plausibility of SAO. The thread could be a place where people have endless arguments discussions about whether NervGear could function as described in the series and whether the government would be able to rescue people from the game.
The problem with this request (as I was recently reminded) is that there's a huge disparity of information between the novel readers and the anime-only viewers, so it's nearly impossible for the discussion to occur on "equal ground". People who have only watched the anime will have certain questions and want to entertain certain theories or conversations based on what the anime says, but many of those points will probably be addressed later in the story. That being said, unlike the above request, I think there will also be some unanswered question and room for speculation even among the novel readers. So the only solution I can think of to this request would be to create two threads, one for anime-only viewers, and another for novel readers (and enforce very strict lines between the two). Does this make sense given your concept?
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