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Old 2012-07-29, 08:09   Link #31
Wild Goose
Truth Martyr
Join Date: Nov 2007
Location: Doing Anzu's paperwork.
Age: 38
Originally Posted by NorthernFallout View Post
Gosh darnit. Revise time. Though it is described as having a similar yield to a tac nuke, but that just means I need to change the aftermath a little.
don't worry, it happens to the best of us. First ever time i started making OCs and worldbuilding for Nanoha, i had tp do a LOT of revisions. This is fine. ;p

Yea, it was mostly cause I don't like handling huge casts. Not much I can do about it right now.
What I'd suggest is that you may want to have more units assigned to fire brigade duty. Have maybe several flights of four or eight TSFs on rotating duty to run sorties and fire brigade, Wolfskull are slightly unique in that their primary tasking is fire brigade,(possibly due to attrittion), as four TSFs is below the minimum 8-12 that you'd want deployed on a combat sortie to maximise your chances of survival.

Have occasional mentions of them, perhaps, but the main focus and viewpoint characters are Wolfskull, so of course they'll be less concerned about their fellows and more concerned abt their unit. What with the tattoos and their actions, I'm getting a feeling of a group of have survived a fair bit, and believe themselves elite, a cut above from the rest.

Of course, the simplest reason is that Wolfskull are the reinforcements because most of the time there's no one else left to send out.

I left this ambiguous as I didn't want to collide with potential timeline errors. Seeing how they use Gripen and the like, I'd say somewhere 2001-2002.
Note on the timeline.
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