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Old 2012-07-27, 13:54   Link #45
Six Shooter
Join Date: Feb 2012
Location: USA
Age: 43
Originally Posted by Xellos-_^ View Post
and you don't have any evidence that Yui got her current job because of her family name.
No concrete evidence, no. But looking solely at what has been shown in the anime, we basically know this about Yui:

1. Father was someone important in the military
2. Uncle is a colonel of some importance involved in developing military prototypes (what's the XFJ project developing btw?)
3. Family has a privileged position as a vassal of the Shogun
4. Was a good trainee, probably near the top of her class (in dueling other TSFs at least).
5. Was totally overwhelmed in combat and unable to function well tactically and emotionally on the battlefield.

Beyond that, it's all guessing. Based on the five points above, it would make the most sense that Yui is a competent pilot who lacks tactical awareness, and although not blatantly unqualified for her posting, she most likely got it over other candidates due to her family name.

Of course, since series seems to have somewhat of a pro-nationalist bent to it, she'll probably turn out to be an exceptional pilot whose "spiritual superiority" allows her to defeat the arrogant foreigner Yuuya and show him that the Japanese way is the best.
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