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Old 2012-07-17, 15:24   Link #56
Not Enough Sleep
Join Date: Nov 2003
Location: R'lyeh
Age: 48
Originally Posted by Alucard24 View Post
That I understand but the helmet must receive some kind of signal to trigger the kill switch, right ?
more like if there isn't constant signal it will kill immediately.

yeah, I can't but the tech for that time should be able to tell...
you don't know the answer to that question. You are only supposing the setting has that tech,

not me but I see that a lot of time : "They should have attacked quicker" or "they failed to protect the citizens", something like that.
considering the scope of the issue, decisions are going to be made by top politicians and politicians when presented with the 2 bad choice will pick the one that causing them the least harm. Which rather then making the wrong choice is nothing.

If you say so. As for where I live, I know that, if it was needed to move in only 2 hours 10k people, it would be chaos ! And furthermore, there would be not enough bed in the hospital for taking in 10k people in addition to the others sick peoples !
while the number of people affected is probably concentrated around Tokyo. Not all of the 10k will be in the Tokyo area. The largest concentration will be in Tokyo, the rest will be spread out around the country.
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