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Old 2012-07-17, 14:13   Link #53
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Originally Posted by kyp275 View Post
Also, electronics can be shielded from EMP - most are as a matter of fact, just to varying degrees.
yeah, ok ....

Originally Posted by kyp275 View Post
Yes, because Kayaba obviously won't be in control of/monitoring the system, won't be able to tell when something fishy is going on, or have already built in protection against such obvious methos right?
Well, if you nuke the whole freaking server, I don't think any monitoring will be relevant anymore xD And if there is no more link between the NervGear and the server, there will be no kill switch to press, isn't it ?

Originally Posted by kyp275 View Post
Did you not see the part in episode 1 where Kayaba explicitly stated that any attempts at removal or tampering with the NervGear will automatically trigger the microwave? It's safe to say that if the helmet is advanced enough to have a "high density signalling device" - aka 3D scanner integrated just to scan what the player looks like, there will be things in place to make sure the helmet itself is not tampered with.
Yeah but at the same time, Kayaba allowed them to be moved since he allowed them to be transported in hospital. Then, there is two possibilities : A) there is no gyroscope to read movement or B) there is but there were disabled for a short time. If it's A, it's definitively doable and the blueprint would tell that since it's a mass produced product.

Originally Posted by kyp275 View Post
Also, I'm going to assume that you're not actually familiar with explosives, but suffice to say that what you proposed is an extremely bad idea. If you're going to do that, you might as well just shoot them in the head with a gun, it'll be less messy.
You're right, I'm not but we see every time the cop exploding just the lock of a door on the TV with little explosive, is it just bullshit ? ^^''

Originally Posted by Starlightz View Post
Getting this from Q&A thread for Alucard
If thousands people get their brains fried because that organization tried to carelessly remove / destroy NervGear, you know what will happen.
You're right about that but it's the other way around too : if thousands more players die while under the surveillance of the hospital/government they will be held responsible for theses deaths as well. Life is hard eh ?

Originally Posted by Starlightz View Post
Even by now I can't remember when was the last time important hospitals in my country had power-outage.
For an hospital yes, they have counter-measure but I'm wondering how they managed to take care of 8'000 persons in only 2 hours knowing they are in the entire Japan. It would be nothing hard if it was 10 persons in a small village but I'm guessing most where in Tokyo and it's probably not very easy to make room for thousands of peoples in such short time.

My point being : there is a good probability that some stayed in their room. And what if someone who had one of the 10'000 license didn't connect right away but one day later ? What if an employe of the society tried the game ?
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