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Old 2012-07-16, 10:20   Link #9
~Night of Gales~
Join Date: Dec 2005
I'm not too fond of the rule that someone familiar with the light novel can't post in spoiler/speculation for anime-viewers only, but it's alright.

I like to disconnect myself from any lingering knowledge I have of the source material when I watch my stuff. I mean, given my familiarity with the source material, I tend to avoid anime-only discussions anyway since it's very difficult to disassociate the fact that you have source knoweldge, but there are times when I feel that I can quantify something I perceive from the lens of an anime-only viewer and discuss with that.
Night~and~Gale: ~ The Final Mythology of the Man who Defied Destiny.

The sleeping lion shall awaken beyond the depths of time, crossing ten billion lights, come to Terra.
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