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Old 2012-07-14, 10:24   Link #29
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Join Date: Nov 2011
^ I get what you're saying but I disagree as well. I actually gave the fullbring arc a fighting (couple month) chance. it was very interesting at first and provided a much different world than we are used to seeing in bleach. but then once the characters and goal were established it became clear just how bad that arc was going to be. i dont see it as a risk that kubo took. it should be normal for long-running mangas to change settings and add new characters in their arcs (just look at one piece or naruto to a lesser extent). what would have made it risky would have been to make chad the main character of the arc like how shikamaru took over in naruto for the immortals arc. ichigo's loss of power set the stage for a perfect risk where his friends could have become relevant, more powerful, and actually fought for ichigo for a change, but he was the star again and then given his powers back in basically the same way that he got them in chapter 1

now we are back to the milk toast SS and the ever-boring HM in this arc. story-wise, these shitritters are basically the same thing as the espada only now they can steal bankais.

i also dont think that not killing anyone is risky. before the marineford arc in one piece, pretty much nobody died, but that isn't what makes one piece risky (in a good way). what makes it risky are adding main characters like franky and brook and making it work. not to mention all the other seemingly insane ideas that oda comes up with and still manages to masterfully make work into his world.

a good risk would have been to have byakuya kill renji in the SS arc. take out an increasingly popular character right at his apex. it's an initial letdown to fans but it has a ripple effect that we still wouldnt have forgotten. and instead of that effective risk, renji has just hung around and become very boring. kubo's missed many opportunities to make a splash by killing characters, but that isn't even necessary to make the story work. killing characters is a pretty basic way to keep interest, but it does work. with a cast as big as bleach, it isn't even that risky to kill some mediocre ones off, especially milk toast characters like hinamori who is still alive somehow...

in addition to that, i would have liked to have seen a much different and much more creative and dark HM for instance. also aizen should have explored hell and the kings dominion by now. what kubo has shown us since the SS arc has all been very bland and riskless from my point of view

edit: also, concerning the topic.. what we are all looking forward to are new bankais and answers to questions we should have already gotten. nothing risky there either. i'm sure a few of the captains and RG bankais will be awesome, but that's just simple writing. the only creativity is in the design and possibly the power, but i dont expect much risk/new concepts when it comes to the powers. after the soifon bankai reveal of a frikkin missile?? im not really holding my breath for a bunch of cool ones.

edit 2: I would agree that ichigo losing his powers is risky if kubo didnt already do it with ishida. when ishida lost his powers vs mayuri i actually felt bad and assumed he would die soon after, so him getting them back rather easily was a huge letdown for me. not that i had anything against him per say, i just didnt think it was good writing and it delegitimized him losing them in the first place. so when ichigo lost his powers i literally did not care one iota and just assumed he would get them back at some point in a similarly easy manner

Last edited by itachi-san314; 2012-07-14 at 13:21.
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