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Old 2012-07-12, 05:06   Link #11
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Join Date: Feb 2011
Originally Posted by MrTerrorist View Post
Whoa. That sounds good. Yui, from silly airhead to grownup survivor after the death of her sister.
I'd imagine Yui would mimic Ui in many ways, after losing Ui. Though such a loss may well result in a Heroic BSOD for the next month. A grownup survivor would probably be alot more like Ui, though I'd imagine beyond that Ui imitation public shell is a girl suppressing her ditzy, upbeat nature.

Though I'm wondering how such a plot would go. Perhaps Yui joins Kirito's harem? Though of course, Asuna is the lead girl. In-fact, Asuna might have rescued Yui after Yui's suicidal funk, which might make for an interesting dynamics. Indeed, perhaps Yui and Kirito's relationship remains very platonic, connected through Asuna.

Even then, this fic could well extend way beyond the Aincrad arc. An Ui like, mature and reliable character who has a childishly silly side in private, that one have to dig out hard.

The zeroeth phase is the loyalty and strength of relationships between siblings, and how Ui keeps things together for both of them in the aftermath of being trapped in Aincrad. After the initial shock, comes the lull, and both of them replicate their roles back in the real world in Aincrad. The interesting thing, I think is that K-on never forced Yui to make difficult decisions, or to start questioning herself. We've not seen Yui in a life or death situation, so I wonder whether being put in one on a daily basis would affect Yui's airheadedness, if Ui was around to shelter her.

I think Ui would go very far to keep up Yui's ditzy, reliant nature, unfortunately. However, that might be tricky to pull off. Still, I'd expect there'd be gradual shifts, though Yui's internal monologues might be quite hard to explore, since K-on doesn't give too much insight into why Yui is such an airhead (beyond Moe Fanservice). One way of course, is to skip towards the end of the nine months, but show traces that Yui does comprehend, a little about how serious the situation is.

The first phase then will be deconstruction on why being a Ditzy Airhead in Aincrad is a bad idea, and how it eventually get's her sister killed.

The second phase is that of grief and coping, where Yui adopts her sister's mannerisms while privately wrestling with her guilt.

The third phase is reconstruction, where after Aincrad, Yui finds a means of reconcilliating between her old, silly self, and the Ui-like persona she constructed to cope with the loss of her sister.
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