Thread: Bleach Q&A
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Old 2005-12-27, 20:49   Link #38
The Terror of Death
Join Date: Dec 2005
Location: Land of igloos
Originally Posted by Vantage
I started watching Bleach about 2 weeks ago, and just caught up to episode 62 4-5 days ago. I'm not asking for Bleach, or where I can get it, I was just wondering when fansubbed verions usually come out. I prefer the lunar anime versions, is there a sort of time line for these things. Once again, just a question of when it can be expected, not asking for it, in any way shape or form.
Err...I dunno if I can really answer this, since last time I mentioned groups in my post it got edited...but I'll just answer it anyways. I suppose if they don't want me mentioning groups they'll just edit my post again. I'll apologize now just in case I wasn't supposed to mention groups at all.

Dattebayo tends to release an episode around 24 hours after it was broadcasted over in Japan (or is it after the raw is released? Not quite sure on that part...)

Bleach-Society tends to release quite quickly too. They have gotten a release out before Dattebayo at least once, but usually they tend to be a bit slower. I'd say on a range, they can be as fast as ~24 hours, although they occasionally take a little longer (day and a half to two days or so).

Lunar, who I also prefer, used to release around 2 days after Bleach was broadcasted (on TV on Tuesday, releases around late Wednesday/early Thursday). Now, they tend to take their time with it. No real approx. time when they release anymore. Sometimes they release a few days after it was on in Japan, sometimes a week after...sometimes even longer. But they have something like 4 projects on their plate right now, so... =p

Again, I apologize if I broke any rules with this.

Edit by NoSanninWa: As long as an anime isn't licensed or produced by MFI you are welcome to mention groups all you want. Once it becomes licensed you'll be required to stay mum about it.

I hope that this ends your confusion.

Last edited by NoSanninWa; 2005-12-28 at 01:07.
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