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Old 2012-05-22, 13:11   Link #40
Join Date: Jul 2009
Originally Posted by delorean2200 View Post
To bad my russian is as good as my japanese :P, but thanks though anyway ^^.
You know I just find that google translator isn`t so bad in translationg form Russian to English as from Japanese to English, for example.
Look, I put the first paragraph in google translator and here it seems that is it so-so readable:

- Fort classes ... here ... now! - Annette in a trembling voice sounded desperate. Theodore felt the same way, except that he could not squeeze a word to express it.
Ahead, behind endless waves of attackers grapplerov and tank classes, from the snowy blizzard boiling stood out, swaying and growing, huge and majestic silhouettes BETA Forth class. Semidesyatimetrovye (70 meters ) giants resembled moving mountains. So far, 666 Tactical Fighter Squadron, operating this time in the squadron, managed to fend off the tank classes and grapplerov, moreover also possibly saving ammunition. But no one imagined that today, there will be a fort-classes.
"Well, why now? .."
- Set aside a panic! - The voice of Gretel intercepted cramp, it was obviously not easy to keep a person befitting the Commissioner. - Command has sent reinforcements already! We, the pilots of the National People's Army, ought not to show the enemy's back! ..
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