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Old 2012-01-13, 23:52   Link #25
Join Date: Dec 2003
Age: 41
Originally Posted by TJR View Post
I dunno. In terms of quality, tie-in games often have bad reputations, whether they're based on anime/manga properties or Hollywood movies.

It wouldn't surprise me if most of these were mediocre at best.
I think it really depends on the case. If they get the original staff involved in some capacity, it can provide decent expansion to the anime that explores the characters a bit more and gives some neat "what if" scenarios. This game seems to have been produced by the same team that made the OreImo and Toradara tie-in games, and both were pretty well-regarded among fans for what they contributed to their respective franchises... but it depends on your expectations. If you think "fun companion piece to the anime", that's probably along the right lines. It's not going to work if you're not already a fan and know/like the characters.

Originally Posted by Yui Is My Wife View Post
Unless mis-translate EVERY reference to Kobato-chan's age, heck EVERYONE'S age (like what they did with the Atlier series), the SECOND this game hits American and Australian Shelves you'll have Churchies running for their torches and pitchforks.
Anime with even more fanservice involving a similar-aged casts gets released all the time in those markets without trouble. The main problem is just that there aren't enough people who would buy it.
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