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Old 2012-01-03, 07:21   Link #3303
The Dragon Sage
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: Shady spaces and dark places, where animals fear to tread. . .
Age: 30
Hey, all, I'm back again. . .

Wow. . . All the work I did to try to get things going again, and everything slows down again once I leave. How long has it been. . . Holy crap!!! I've really been gone for a year?!!

I've gotta say I'm sorry. If I was one for excuses, then I'd start talking about how I lost computer (hardware failure and lack of money) and fickle internet (just plain lack of money) for the whole first half of last year, and that, when I finally got another computer at the latter half, I had college to deal with. But, I'm not (even though I just did exactly what I said I wouldn't), so I'll just try what I did before: I'll start posting characters and doing the character of the month contest until stuff starts picking up again. I'll try my best to do so, but life can be unpredictable. I wasn't planning to be absent for the last year, but I was. Who's to say that it won't happen again.

Also, there are probably those of you who don't have a clue about who I am. To those, just ignore me. I'll probably be rusty from all of the time where the only character creation I've done involved fanfiction, so my character creation will probably be spotty and not very good.
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