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Old 2011-10-26, 22:04   Link #284
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Join Date: Sep 2010
Age: 33
The site you posted argues that happy endings are the standard, for which a professional writer says the same. According to TV Tropes, it’s such an omnipresent trope that it doesn’t even warrant its own page (“Far, far too common to provide example”). Likewise, there are entire fictional genres largely dedicated to happy endings. Romantic comedies almost always end in happy endings. The same can be said for most Hollywood popcorn flicks, the majority of action movies, the vast majority of comedies, the majority of romances, and the majority of teen movies. In comparison, only the uncommonly used play genre of Tragedy is primarily pessimistic. 15 to 1 wouldn’t be a far off assessment. People don’t go to the movies to be depressed, and I’m amazed that we’re even debating this when a simple look at the box office can provide you with the answer.
You brought up its light-heartedness and happy ending as a negative quality to the series, you also claimed that the series was completely unrealistic (goes to show how much you know about FMA), basically implying that you thought it to be childish and immature.
When? No, seriously, when? I mentioned that equivalent exchange was unrealistic though I shouldn't even have to explain again why that's so. Also, implying? As in I didn't actually say it, but you interpreted it as such? Well, there you go.

Actually no I don't care about anyone saying either adaptation is for kids, you wanna know why? Because they are for kids.
You mentioned the word "childish" or "juvenile" to insult the first series three times in one post, and you're telling me that you don't mind that an adaption is for kids?
I'd say that it didn't play off that theme very well as the farther the series went there was only ugliness shown in that world, with no beauty to be had. Kino Journey was able to find an equilibrium between the two, however, this one was so focused on showing how harsh it was it for the characters that it forgot to show the beauty of it. If this was a theme for the 2003 version it didn't pull it off.
You're acting as if we're discussing Schlinder's List, or some other series that most critics would actually describe as depressing. Full Metal Alchemist features a straightly played heroic protagonist (not an anti-hero like Shinji Ikari) who routinely risks his life for other people. Towards the end of the series, Dante notes that equivalent exchange is a lie, which initially seems depressing. Hohenheim later notes the positive benefits of this, since if equivalent exchange was true, there would never be anything that he could offer for the blessing of having a family. The series then ends as Edward notes the fact that even though there is no law of equivalent exchange and thus that the world is "ugly" and unfair, that he won't allow his brother die. Due to the fact that the world is a supposedly "ugly and unfair" place in which the there is no guaranteed law of equivalent exchange, Edward manages to bring both his brother soul and body back through sheer determination, without having to offer anything of equal value.

If a scenario like that comes off to you as purely ugly and grim then I don't know what would qualify as beautiful or optimistic. And it's not as if this theme is particularly subtle, either. It's verbally mentioned four times within a direct sequence of episodes: first by Dante in those exact words, secondly by Hohenheim, thrice by Ed as he attempts to retrieve his brother's soul without an equal sacrifice, and on the fourth time, Dante's exact line is repeated in verbatim by Roy Mustang. This isn't like those books that you were made to read during high school where you had to scan through 50 pages in order to figure out the theme.

Yes it was actually kinda racist, and very sexist. Example Roy, he kills hundreds of innocent civilians during the Ishvalan war, and you know the only one that he felt guilty for was when he killed two doctors of the same race as him. That is quite racist. As for sexism Rose, Dante, Winry, the way how Hawkeye gets pushed to the side, and Lust.
I’ll humor you for a second. Let’s say that Roy Mustang is indeed a racist, who owns 12 slaves and rants about the purification of the white race. How does that make the anime racist? No, seriously; think about this. Also, on Hawkeye: The majority of the characters get “pushed to the side” because that’s one of the major differences between the two series. One focuses on a large cast of characters consisting of Ling, Lan Fan, Mei, Fou, four chimeras, Scar, Yoki, and Dr. Marcoh, that it follows on a regular basis. The other largely focuses upon the two brothers, with a revolving cast of supporting characters throughout the series. At one point in the series it’s Lust and at another point the focus character is Greed. You might as well just pull the Nazi Card and be done with it, if you’re going to argue racism or sexism.

yes he did, that's why the movie isn't about survivor's guilt the author moved on with his life.
Brooding over a traumatic past experience for 20 years and then writing a book about it is moving on? Then what on Earth counts as holding on to the past? Most people settle for therapy with a shrink.

Again the only one who was behaving like a dark elements makes a series good and mature is you. This was essentially why everyone has been on your case for the last couple of pages, so trying to pretend that you never said that or acted that way right now just makes you look like a fool.
Incorrect. The reason everyone has "been on my case" for the last couple of pages is because I criticized a series in a topic dedicated to it, which is one step removed from going to a fan site, and posting a bad review. Of course, when I attempt to clarify my actual position (repeatedly) I'm well aware that the viewpoint of complete strangers in regard to what my opinion is will be more readily accepted than my own knowledge of what my own opinion is.

This is a special type of insanity. This is the first debate, that I've been involved in, in which I've basically had to argue that I'm indeed a Democrat, like I say I am, and not a Republican. Usually people are rational enough to accept personal statements about beliefs and tastes at face value. I'm not going to sit around with a Protestant, in an attempt to convince them that they're really a Hindu.

Last edited by LunarMoon; 2011-10-26 at 22:39.
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